Monday, February 16, 2015


So, like many people we cook chili from time to time. And like many people when we cook chili we have a go-to recipe. In our case it is from The Fresh Market 25 Year Anniversary Cookbook. Their Whiskey Chili recipe is really quite good, once we found it we have never tried another.

Of course, with any familiar recipe we do deviate and play with it a bit. Sometimes chorizo goes in the pot for the sausage component. We have found that ancho chili powder is an quite excellent substitute for regular chili powder. A dash of espresso balsamic is subtle, personal, secret ingredient.
This time, we added a chipotle in adobo sauce. Smoky, rich, & tasty - I was very much looking forward to it. And I was not disappointed. With only one pepper added to the full batch, it still added just enough of a hint of flavor change that I was quite pleased with the results.

Here endeth your random food post of the day.